MCN – Motorcycle News Leather Genie™ Balsam, 250ml – review

Marc Abbott – Motorcycle News
Time used:
 Two Months

What’s good:
This stuff’s like magic – seriously. All you need to do is get a very small amount of the waxy substance on a sponge and then apply lovingly to anything leathery for an instant transformation. An old pair of black leather jeans found in my loft now look good as new while my favourite Lewis Westway boots feel incredibly supple (and almost look black again).

Leather Genie™ also waterproofs, so it’s been applied to my gloves too. OK, so we’ve had the driest spring for years so road testing that claim has been tricky. But (oh yes, we think of everything here at MCN) I have run the gloves under the tap in the bathroom while wearing them. The reuslt – dry hands. And because a little goes a long way, a single tup of this will last for ages.

What’s not:
Remember that feeling you had when you bought your first electric screwdriver? I’ve found myself seeking out anything made of leather in the house, just to give it a going over with a sponge.  It’s caused some marital disharmony. Other than that, the product itself is excellent.

Rating 5/5